The Best Telephone Etiquette Tips

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Did you know that poor phone etiquette can significantly impact professional relationships and business success? In 2024 a global survey revealed that 76% of respondents found answering or ending a call without a proper greeting or goodbye to be impolite. 

This statistic underscores a growing concern in our increasingly digital and remote working environment.  

Maintaining professional phone etiquette can be challenging, as our natural responses often tend to be more personal and less formal. 

This can lead to misunderstandings and a lack of professionalism in business communications.  

Together, let’s explore the following best phone etiquette tips:

  • You should answer a call in 3 rings 
  • Speak clearly to the person  
  • Actively listening rather than listening to respond and take details 
  • Get the callers name and make sure it is used throughout the call  
  • Always use positive language and no slang words  
  • Always ask permission before putting someone on hold 
  • Regulate your tone of voice
  • Maintain a cheerful tone
  • Admit when you don’t know the answer

At SOI we’re excited to share these tips to help you establish professional phone call etiquette, ensuring you create great connections and stay on track.


Tip 1: When and How You Should Answer a Call 

Answering a call promptly and professionally sets the tone for the entire conversation. Ideally, you should answer within three rings to show attentiveness. 

This quick response not only demonstrates your respect for the caller’s time but also indicates that your business values efficient, effective communication and phone manner. 

A slow response may give the impression of disorganisation or disinterest, which can negatively impact the caller’s perception of your professionalism. 

Be ready: Ensure you are prepared to take the call before answering. 

Greet professionally:  The best example of proper telephone etiquette is a standard greeting such as: 

“Good morning, [Your Name] speaking. How can I help you?” 

Be mindful of your environment: Answer calls in a quiet place to avoid background noise. 

Tip 2: Speaking Clearly to the Person 

Clear communication is crucial in ensuring the other person understands you without needing to repeat yourself. 

  • Speak slowly and clearly: Enunciate your words to avoid misunderstandings. 
  • Use a moderate volume: Alter your voice is not too loud or too soft. 
  • Avoid jargon: Use simple and clear language that the caller can easily understand. 

Tip 3: Listen to the Caller and Take Details 

Active listening shows respect and ensures you capture all necessary information. 

  • Focus on the caller: Avoid distractions and give the caller your full attention. 
  • Take notes: Write down important details to ensure accuracy. 
  • Confirm information: Repeat back key points to confirm understanding. 

Tip 4: Keep Positive and Use Proper Language (No Slang Words) 

Maintaining a positive tone and using proper phone etiquette language helps in building a professional image. 

  • Stay positive: Use positive language and maintain a cheerful tone. 
  • Avoid slang: Stick to formal language to ensure professionalism. 
  • Be polite: Use phrases like “please” and “thank you” to show courtesy. 

Tip 5: Always Ask Permission Before Transferring a Call or Putting Someone on Hold 

Respecting the caller’s time and they are comfortable with any changes during the call is necessary. 

  • Ask for permission: Always ask before transferring or putting the caller on hold. 
  • Explain the reason: Briefly explain why you need to transfer or put them on hold. 
  • Thank them: Show appreciation for their patience. 

Tip 6: Regulate Your Tone of Voice: Don’t Shout 

Your tone of voice can convey more than your words. It’s important to keep it calm and controlled. 

  • Stay calm: Keep your tone even and avoid raising your voice. 
  • Be empathetic: Show understanding and patience, especially if the caller is upset. 
  • Use a friendly tone: Aim for a tone that is both professional and approachable. 

Tip 7: Follow-Ups and Voice Calls 

Following up after and making a telephone call shows that you value the conversation and are committed to resolving any issues. 

  • Send a follow-up email: Summarise the call and outline next steps. 
  • Set reminders: Ensure you follow through on any promises made during the call. 
  • Be prompt: Respond to any further communication in a timely manner. 

Tip 8: Maintain a Cheerful Tone 

Keeping a positive and cheerful tone during phone conversations can significantly impact the overall interaction. It creates a pleasant atmosphere and can make even difficult conversations more manageable. 

Smile while you talk: It may sound strange, but smiling while you speak can make your tone sound more positive and friendly. 

Use positive language: Choose words that convey optimism and encouragement. Avoid negative phrases that can dampen the conversation.  

Stay patient and calm: Even if the discussion gets tense, maintaining a cheerful tone can help defuse tension and keep the conversation productive. 

Express gratitude: Show appreciation for the caller’s time and input. A simple thank you can go a long way in building a positive rapport. 

Example: If a customer calls with a complaint about a delayed order, respond with: 

“I’m really sorry to hear about the delay. I completely understand your frustration. Let me check the status for you right away and get this sorted as quickly as possible. Thanks for letting us know.” 

Quick Tip With Difficult Clients: When dealing with difficult situations and customers, take a deep breath before responding. This can help you stay calm and maintain a cheerful tone, even under pressure. Additionally, acknowledge the customer’s frustration and show empathy, which can help diffuse tension and create a more positive interaction. 

Tip 9: Admit When You Don’t Know the Answer 

Honesty is always the best medicine in any conversation, especially when you don’t have all the answers. Admitting this openly can build trust and credibility. 

Acknowledge your limits: If you’re unsure about something, be honest. It’s better to admit you don’t know than to provide incorrect information. 

Commit to finding the answer: Let the caller know you’ll look into their question and get back to them with accurate information. 

Follow up promptly:  Following through on your promise to find the answer and respond in a timely manner. 

Stay positive: Maintain a positive and proactive attitude, showing that you are committed to helping the caller find the solution they need. 

Example: If a caller asks about a product feature you’re unfamiliar with, respond with: 

 “That’s a great question. I’m not certain about the details right now, but I’ll check with my manager and team and get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.” 

Helpful FAQ’s

What is bad phone etiquette? 

Bad phone etiquette includes behaviours that are rude or unprofessional during a phone call, such as speaking too loudly, interrupting the caller, or failing to properly introduce oneself. 

Other examples include eating or chewing while on the phone, using inappropriate language, or failing to listen attentively. These actions can create a negative impression and hinder effective communication 

What are the challenges of telephone etiquette? 

The challenges of telephone etiquette often involve maintaining professionalism while balancing personal habits and natural responses. 

People may struggle with staying attentive without visual cues, managing tone and volume, and avoiding interruptions. Additionally, working in noisy environments or dealing with difficult callers can make it hard to maintain proper etiquette 

Who says hello first on a phone call? 

Typically, the person receiving the call should say hello first, greeting the caller and introducing themselves and their organisation. 

This sets a professional tone and confirms that the caller has reached the correct person or department. 

For example, an appropriate greeting might be: 

“Good morning, this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. How can I assist you?” 

Choose SOI 

We hope these tips help you establish professional etiquette in any situation, especially in the phone etiquette at work. 

At SOI, we offer specialised virtual services and Booking /Diary Management. With over 24 years of experience, we have supported many businesses on their growth journeys. Our team has provided a solid foundation of support for phone etiquette training, enabling our clients to expand and succeed. 

By implementing these telephone etiquette tips, you can maintain a professional image and ensure effective communication in all your business interactions. Get in contact with our experienced team today to explore tailored solutions for your business needs.

Article by Michelle

August 19, 2024